'In this Japan travel guide, we are sharing 25 things to do in Osaka! Affectionately known as Japan’s Kitchen, Osaka was the first stop of our trip to Japan and a wonderful place to eat! We dove straight into the local cuisine visiting markets, street food stalls, and restaurants that required ordering from ticket vending machines. But our trip to Osaka (大阪市) wasn’t all food. In between all the eating, we also managed to visit towering skyscrapers, hidden temples, and retro gaming arcades - all of them complete surprises. So if you’re curious about what there is to see and do in this city, stick around and let us show you 25 things to do in Osaka, Japan!
Tags: osaka , osaka japan , Japan Travel Guide , things to do in osaka , osaka tourism , osaka attractions , osaka food , osaka travel , Osaka travel guide , osaka guide , Osaka Tour , osaka japan travel guide , osaka things to do , osaka travel tips , 大阪市 , places to visit in osaka , osaka tourist guide , osaka what to do , osaka city guide , japan osaka guide , osaka what to see , free things to do in osaka , unique things to do in osaka , osaka travel video , osaka what to eat , osaka trip itinerary
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