'Full hour long video coming soon all you children of the corn. --2012: Did the Mayans Predict a Food Revolution?-- \"Historians have done their best to piece together the Mayan civilization that disappeared around 1,000 AD. Where they went—or why—still remains a mystery, like their calendar, which ends December 21, 2012. Some have predicted it signifies a means to the end of modern civilization, while others predict a subtler but intensely powerful shift affecting human consciousness. Central to the Mayans was food—particularly corn. According to their sacred texts, this ending era is the age of the corn people, and corn has literally saturated the Western diet with genetically modified corn products now found in 80 percent of all processed food and related to a number of illnesses like diabetes and obesity. Did the Mayans predict the ubiquitous takeover of GMO corn? We\'ll explore the Mayan connection to modern food, GMOs and what other secrets they may have predicted about our relationship with food.\"'
Tags: corn , 2012 , maya , GMO , Food Revolution , Lightning in a Bottle 2012 , LIB , LIB 2012 , Jill Ettinger , Evolver LA , Baza Novic , Mayan predictions , Label GMO
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