'In the 4th and final installment of “The Maine Odyssey,” I am joined once again by Ashlee McLaughlin. The goal today is a classic New England fish chowder done with Japanese ingredients, the result being a flavorful umami bomb that is so good that it makes Ashlee mad. Along the way the pop culture gap between us continues to widen, starting with a disagreement over “Shoop,” and what my actual weakness is. Then we sing Tiffany. So there’s that. Lastly, the only warning I can put on this episode is that it will serve as a disappointing reminder that you got rid of all your old Tupperware... Photo by Chris Loughran @chrisloughran https://www.soposeafood.com/ https://www.allagash.com/ https://www.edgecombpotters.com/ https://www.tacoescobarr.com/ No recipe this week. We\'ll be back next week with Mongolian Beef for you guys to try in your own decade specific kitchen!'
Tags: home cook , home chef , maine , food coma , Joe Ricchio , My Seventies Kitchen , Maine Cooking , Maine Chef , fork yeah , Food Coma Podcast
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