'No-Till vs Tilling Soybean Food Plots - Extremely Different ways to Plant a Food Plot'

'No-Till vs Tilling Soybean Food Plots - Extremely Different ways to Plant a Food Plot'
19:23 Mar 28, 2024
'In this video we plant soybeans in 3 separate small areas all in our backyard by using 3 extremely different methods. One of the areas we broadcasted soybeans onto the soil and tilled them. Another area we had waist high winter rye and brassicas that grew back this spring and we broadcasted into the cover crop then crushed everything down with the atv and drag. The last area was lawn for many years and we sprayed it off and instead of completely tilling it up, we ran the disc over everything once cutting gouges about 2 in deep into the soil. Then I used the 1 row push garden seeder to drop soybeans directly into the gouges and at the end packed everything down.   All 3 different plantings turned out great, so well in fact that you cant even tell that we used such different methods to plant. There is so many different ways you can successfully plant and grow and food plot.' 

Tags: soybean food plots , no till food plots , soybeans for deer , no-till food plots , ultimate no till food plot , whitetail habitat solutions , jeff sturgis , ultimate no till food plots , Broadcasting soybeans , no till brassica food plot , No till planting soybeans , No till food plot buckwheat , Brassica fall food plots

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