'Planting Food Plots-Small Seed Technique!'

'Planting Food Plots-Small Seed Technique!'
00:16 Mar 19, 2024
'When planting small seed for food plots, like brassicas or clover, we use a homemade drag to lightly cover the seed.  This technique has served us well over the years and spreads the seed evenly across the food plot.  Food plots are expensive to build so don\'t waste your hard earned money by covering small seed too deep!  When combining with other seeds like grains and peas, we spread those first, cover, then spread the clover or brassicas last and then lightly cover one last time.  Then pray for rain!  Good luck!' 

Tags: food plots , planting food plots , how to plant food plots , food plot for deer , best food plot for deer , deer food plot seed , good plot seed

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