May 1, 2022
'Sadguru Nannagaru refers to a vedic prayer Let the food taken by me through mouth, ears and eyes be pure and clean You are very careful about the cleanliness of the food you eat. Before taking food, you ensure that the food and curry are clean or not. But you are very careless about the things viewed by eyes and the things listened by ears. Compared to care taken regarding the food taken through mouth, be very careful about the things viewed by eyes and heard through ears because even they represent food. Not knowing them to be food, you remain very careless regarding them. Therefore there is a prayer in one of the Vedas: \'Let the food taken by me through mouth, ears and eyes be pure and clean\'. Source: 5-2-2008 Tadinada'
Tags: Food , Sadguru Nannagaru , vedic prayer
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