'Family Food Fight Day'

'Family Food Fight Day'
00:59 Apr 3, 2022
'Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the last Thursday of November in the USA. It is supposed to be a day where families gather and express their gratitude for their blessings, but with alarming frequency arguments and fights break out while gathered with loved ones. So, it would seem that tradition should be altered to keep up with the times and if it\'s going to wind up as a fight anyways, why not just plan it that way to begin with? Hence the idea to redesignate Thanksgiving Day as Family Food Fight Day. It\'s a new American tradition!  Anyone experience a family feud on Thanksgiving Day? Should I start a petition at change.org to officially change the name of this holiday? Have you ever been at a buffet or cafeteria when a food fight broke out? Please answer these and any other relevant questions you can think of in the comment area, down below!  As usual, this video features one of my annoying, but original, songs. I wrote and performed the song. I also accept full blame for the crappy animation! LOL' 

Tags: family , celebration , turkey , november , Tradition , Thanksgiving , food fight , thankful , fun song , family gatherings

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