'chrysanthemum bread / Korean street food / 국화빵 / Chuncheon Myeongdong / 길거리음식'

08:19 Jan 1, 2022
'국화빵은 정말 달콤하면서도 쫄깃합니다 ! 겨울의 필수 먹거리죠^^ It is chrysanthemum bread, one of the Korean street foods chrysanthemum bread is Sweet and chewy.  location: Chuncheon Myeongdong Price: koreamoney : 2,000won / USD: 1.73 #chrysanthemumbread #Koreanstreetfood #국화빵 #길거리음식' 

Tags: korea , 길거리음식 , korean street food , myeongdong , chrysanthemumbread

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