'Where To Scout For Buck Bedding Areas'

'Where To Scout For Buck Bedding Areas'
14:44 Feb 6, 2024
'There is a simple formula for scouting buck needing  areas in the off-season. A buck will bed high, low, North, South, East or West and he even will bed on a North facing slope. Throw all of the common buck bedding understandings aside. As someone who has scouted buck bedding areas for a living since 2005, on nearly 800 hunting parcels in 25 states, I have experienced that a buck follows a pretty defined set of bedding rules. Whether you are scouting buck bedding areas on public or private lands, here is where to find them...' 

Tags: scout , scouting , Buck Bedding , buck beds , where do bucks bed , scout bucks , scout deer , bedding areas , where to scout , scout buck bedding areas , buck bedding areas , buck bed canopy , hinge cuts , hinge cut bedding , scouting whitetails , scouting bucks , where does a buck bed

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