'Should you frost seed clover? Maybe...maybe NOT. This video will teach you the best way to plant clover, based on a wealth of experience learned while planting clover and teaching others how to do the same, since 1995. Here are the most proven ways to plant clover. Frostseeding clover planters beware... You can find out if planting a clover food plot is a fit for your specific parcel, by enrolling in my latest land design web class, at: https://www.whitetailhabitatsolutions.com/classes/how-to-design-your-deer-hunting-parcel Make sure that you are getting the most out your clover food plot activities, by following my weather forecast deer hunting predictions when you head to the woods. Check out HuntCast, at: https://huntwise.com/sturgis'
Tags: how to , Food , To , how , plant , plot , plots , clover , food plot , food plots , clover food plot , clover plots , plant clover , how to plant clover , frost seed , frostseeding clover , frostseed
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