Jul 29, 2023
'Food Pyramid 1 Having eaten something terribly wrong (you can see in the video), Food Pyramid doesn\'t feel well. We must make him find the best food categories but please be aware that he has erythrophobia now...... 早鳥優惠 $80/堂 1小時! 快d搵埋同學朋友參加啦! 英文寫作班招生 通過6個扣人心弦的有趣故事學 |生字|文法|寫作|創作 一起動手動腦寫故事!個個學生都參與討論+主動發問! • Zoom、西營盤課室 • 升小二至升小六 每級6個不同故事 100%和學本內容有關(Longman/Lighthouse) 創意 最重要是:100%學生喜歡我們的故事 故事集 Stories : a food pyramid, search and rescue team, a chocolate car, a mystic floating palace, an angry mother, a typhoon in hotpot, your bored pet, a theme park, disasters, robots, wizards, dragons, whales and MUCH more! https://www.facebook.com/282169678986916/posts/1231853147351893/ 學習內容大綱 升小二 Topics: Animals, Toys, My School, Lessons and Activities, Classmates Grammar: Present Tense, Present Continuous, Prepositions, Pronouns, Adjectives 升小三 Topics: Going Shopping, Hobbies and Sports, Theme Parks and Zoos, Calendars, Festivals Grammar: Present Tense, Present Continuous, Prepositions, Pronouns, Adjectives, Quantifiers, Possessives 升小四 Topics: Map, Visiting place, Healthy Habits, Games, TV Programmes Grammar: Present Tense, Present Continuous, Past Tense, Future Forms, Prepositions, Countable /Uncountable nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Comparative and Superlative 升小五 Topics: Natural Disasters, Weather Reports, Accidents, Places in Hong Kong, Cooking Fun Fun Grammar: Present Tense, Present Continuous, Past Tense, Future Forms, Prepositions, Pronouns, Determiners, Adjectives, Connectives, Relative Clauses, Conditionals 升小六 Topics: Craft making, Fantasy & Science Fiction, A Robbery, A Detective Story, An Unforgettable Experience, Environmental Protection Grammar: Present Tense, Present Continuous, Past Tense, Present Perfect, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Future Forms, Prepositions, Pronouns, Modal Verbs, Determiners, Adjectives, Adverbs, Connectives, Relative Clauses, Conditionals, Passive Voice 升中一 Topics: Famous People, Idols, School Life, Activities, Films and TV Shows, Letter of Advice Grammar: 7 Types of Tenses, Passive Voice, Reported Statements and Questions, Conditionals (0,1,2), Relative Clauses, Gerunds & Infinitives, Modal Verbs 導師簡介 https://www.facebook.com/282169678986916/posts/1231744154029459/?sfnsn=mo 中心地址和聯絡 StudyRoomHK 上環 皇后大道西 111號 華富商業大廈 1/F 104 Whatsapp 95526849 https://wa.me/message/2I2ZWC2QXZ7PN1'See also: