'New residents on Gonzaga\'s campus will be in charge of delivering hot meals to students on campus this fall. These residents are small, friendly robots called Kiwibots. The robots will pick up food from restaurants on campus and deliver them anywhere on campus. The participating locations will be serviced by Sodexo, a food provider that at corporations, universities and more. The robots are currently able to deliver food from HandCrafted Gormet Sandwiches on Gonzaga\'s campus, but will expand to other Sodexo-services locations throughout the year. Read more: https://www.krem.com/article/tech/new-food-delivery-robots-gonzagas/293-4c1697cb-4681-4c91-8392-2952f2798746'
Tags: Tech , food delivery , Food Delivery Robot , gonzaga spokane washington , gonzaga university , gonzaga food delivery robot , gonzaga robots
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