'18 Powerful Home Remedies To Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels'

'18 Powerful Home Remedies To Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels'
10:29 Mar 29, 2022
'Creatinine is a waste product found in our blood and urine. Under normal circumstances, your kidneys should be able to filter and pass creatinine out of your body. But certain health problems can hinder this function, which allows harmful amounts of creatinine to build up. There are several ways that you can reduce your creatinine levels, including changing your diet, making some lifestyle modifications, taking medications, and participating in medical therapy. We’ll be discussing them all in this video! Now let’s get into the creatinine lowering home remedies.  1. Drink herbal tea or green tea Certain types of herbal tea are believed to help lower the amount of creatinine in your blood. Studies supporting this benefit are limited, but the theory has not been disproved, either. Be sure to drink around two glasses of herbal tea, such as chamomile, nettle leaf, and dandelion root, per day. The idea is that these teas stimulate the kidneys and cause an increase in the production of urine. As a result, more creatinine can be passed out of the body. 2. Consider taking nettle leaf supplements Nettle leaf may help to increase your renal excretion, with will help to eliminate excess amounts of creatinine. Nettles contain histamines and flavonoids, which can help to increase the blood flow to your kidneys, therefore increasing urine filtration. Nettle leaves can be made into a nettle tea, but if you’re not a fan of the taste, they can also be taken in the form of supplements. 3. Try salvia Salvia – not to be confused with saliva – is a herb that has been known to increase filtration rate, which helps with the elimination of creatinine. Salvia contains a compound which helps to promote renal function. Set up a meeting with your doctor to discuss the possible use of salvia. It’s not advised that you take salvia without consulting your doctor. 4. Watch your fluid intake As a general rule, you should drink six to eight glasses of water each day. Dehydration can actually cause your creatinine levels to increase, so staying hydrated is important. When you don’t have enough fluid in your body, you produce less urine. Creatinine is washed out of your system through urine, so producing less urine will make it more difficult to flush out this toxin. On the other hand, consuming too much water could also have a negative effect on your kidney functions. It can cause an increase in blood pressure, and high blood pressure can put stress on your kidneys. Unless instructed by a doctor, it is best to keep yourself hydrated but to avoid abnormal amounts of fluid intake. 5. Restrict your activity level Your body converts food into energy faster when it undergoes vigorous exercise. As a result, more creatinine is formed, causing the amount of creatinine build-up in your blood to increase. Exercise can still offer important health benefits overall, so you don’t want to exclude it from your routine completely. Just swap out high intensity exercises for low intensity ones. Instead of running, weight lifting, or playing basketball, try walking or practicing yoga. 6. Sleep well When you sleep, most of your bodily functions decrease. This includes the body\'s metabolism. As a result, the conversion of creatine to creatinine goes at a slower rate, allowing more of the creatinine already in your blood to filter out before additional toxins can build up. Aim for six to nine hours of sleep per night, with seven or eight being an ideal amount. Sleep deprivation can put physical stress on your entire body and force all of its parts to work harder to perform normal tasks. As a result, your kidneys can become stressed, which will decrease their ability to filter out creatinine. That’s why sleep is so important – don’t believe anyone who says it’s overrated! 7. Use massage therapy Massage therapy also will help blood circulation and reduce stress levels, which leads to better sleep and relaxation. If you’re a fan of acupuncture, there are certain pressure points that you can press with your fingers that target high creatinine levels, including the inside of the middle finger and the centre of the palm.' 

Tags: kidney disease , kidney treatment without dialysis , creatinine levels , Creatinine , lower creatinine levels fast , lower creatinine naturally , lower creatinine fast , how to lower creatinine , how to reduce creatinine level naturally , how to lower creatinine levels naturally , lower creatinine levels naturally , lower creatinine , How to Reduce Creatinine , how to lower creatinine levels fast , how to lower creatinine levels , reduce creatinine levels naturally , lower creatinine level

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