'SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A STACKLING: http://www.youtube.com/user/stackocity?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------- Buy Stackocity T-Shirts: shopspreadshirt.com/stackocity -------------------------- Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/stackocity -------------------------- Like my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stackocity/841615475892054?fref=ts -------------------------- Welcome to Stackocity everybody! You\'re going to find many things here such as my Psycho friends constantly ruining things because of how Ludacris they are! you\'ll also find some sick Reaction Videos, Comedy skits, News Stories, Product Reviews and one day, maybe even gameplays of Black Ops 3, GTA 5, and Far Cry Primal! -------------------------- Youtube is really my passion. When I\'m not creating content I usually spend my time watching content! My favorite youtubers are Ashens, JonTron, gameranx, and I also love the channel I Hate Everything! They all inspire me in all the content that I create and I hope to some day be like them! I also have some doubts about many youtubers! Youtubers like McJuggerNuggets, Sam Pepper, prank channels in general and Prankinvasion all set off my fake radar (trademark pending) and I really don\'t believe that all of their content is exactly real. That being said they are youtubers and do what they do to entertain people so real or not, the content they produce is mostly entertaining and that\'s all that matters! ---------------------- I even like to poke fun at certain video creators and video types from time to time! I did a video once, that I hope to turn into a series, where I had my girlfriend break into my house while I was filming and steal and destroy my oculus gaming pc! Only it wasn\'t my girlfriend and it wasn\'t my oculus gaming pc. I cant afford that shiz, who do you think I am?!?! I actually asked my friend to break into my house and have my chase her to a disclosed location until we decided to stop and \"duel\". The Oculus Gaming Pc that she destroyed was actually an old, gutted, Dell PC I found on the side of the road. My friend pulled her car over, we got out and placed that snazzy pc in the back of her car and went on our merry way! ----------------------------- Besides my artificially created life events, my life is also filled with completely comical events. Almost every day something crazier and crazier happens to me. Its like my life is a TV show and every day is a new episode. But do you know how TV shows usually start to get bad and unfunny at a certain season? Lets just hope that never happens to my life. ------------------------------ I also love to go on adventures and go out to new places just like CaseyNeistat! I even love to just go around to beautiful places, take in the view, listen to some music and just visualize. I like to visualize myself and what I want to make of myself. It really makes me feel giddy and makes me want to work as hard as I possibly can to make what I visualize become more then just a vision! I also love the heat and I love to travel around during spring weather and just let my body absorb the weather; it feels me with a happy feeling for some reason! ------------------------------- So that\'s all their is to know about me, for now at least. Im Bryan Stacker and now, I want you to sit back and think to yourself; Who are you? If you read all of this I love you and if you didn\'t read all of this then chances are I still probably love you. -------------------------- I recently started doing Reaction Videos as a joke but now its turned into more than that. I know that youtubers like Blastphamous HD, Jinx Reloaded, TheFineBors, and many other youtube reactors get a lot of hate! I do agree that its better to create something worth reacting to then to just react to someone else\'s hard work. But my Reaction Videos are meant to be taken with a grain of salt. They are meant to be satirical and to be poking fun at the way other reactors on youtube make videos! -------------------------- My Ludacris series is my way of poking fun at all of the rage Videos and Psycho Videos that claim to be real on youtube. My Insane Friends are real Bone Breakers! I plan on expanding the series in such a way that I\'ll have my Psycho Friends slap me, punch me, steal my things, completely smash my glasses, Destroy my PS4 and Xbox One and even more! Some people may say my Ludacris videos are filled with Crazy People, Angry People, Psycho People...... But I say they are filled with Ludacris People! Either way, no one can be as bad as Psycho Dad! ------------------------- Just let me thank every single one of you for watching! Every single view means so much to me! These videos are my passion and you guys help keep it alive! --------------------------'
Tags: Food , app , review , The , game , Battle , smosh , Comedy (Theater Genre) , stackocity
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