'Wolfoo Pretend Play Selling Fruit and Fast Food with the Funny Costumes for Kids | Wolfoo Channel'

'Wolfoo Pretend Play Selling Fruit and Fast Food with the Funny Costumes for Kids | Wolfoo Channel'
10:06 Aug 30, 2021
'Wolfoo plays selling fruit shop next to Bufo\'s fast food store. In order to attract customers to eat fruits and healthy food, Wolfoo dress up funny vegetable costumes.  #WolfooChannel #Wolfoo #pretendplay #selling #funny #fdress #Fruit #FastFood #Cartoon #Kids See more at Wolfoo Channel:  

Tags: fast food , kids , for kids , toys , kids videos , Cartoon , Cartoon for kids , Healthy Food , kids cartoons , baby cartoon , kids toys , Cooking Toys , dress up , Children Play , french fries , food toy , wolfoo , pretend play selling , Wolfoo Channel , Baby wolf , restaurant toy , selling fruit , fast food toy store , fruit costume , fast food costume

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