'Food Battle -https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smosh.foodbattle# Вступайте в группу контакта http://vk.com/club64187493 Это обзор игры Food Battle. Food Battle представляет из себя игру приключение от разработчика Defy Media. an, Anthony, and all your favorite SMOSH characters come together in the ultimate Food Battle where only YOU can save the village of Tickputt from an evil army of killer donuts! I know what you’re thinking -ooooh, how do the donuts kill, with heart disease? These are serious killer donuts made in a super evil abandoned factory by a super evil mad baker who spliced their genes and made them super evil - so SHUT UP! As Anthony, you’ll battle your way through five magical, increasingly creepy worlds. In order to survive, you’ll have to solve some seriously sick puzzles, find and collect food weapons, and get through a ton of crazy levels to reach the final face-off against your old enemy, the evil pink frosted sprinkled donut! And then, just when you think your enemy is defeated, you get smacked with the tastiest plot twist in the history of plot twists! This game is really easy to play, you can control the entire game using only one finger. The graphics are super scrumptious - even better than Donut Massacre 64. This game has a completely ORIGINAL STORY, voiced by all your Smosh favs. The best part? It’s completely free! So, you wanna play? Hell yeah! Cоветую сыграть!! Tegs: приложений для андроид! Game, Скачать игры для андроид, игры для андроид, игры на андроид, Андроид, android, приложения для андроид, андроид телефоны, новые приложения для андроид, Food Battle Обзор игры на андроид во что поиграть на андроид где скачать Food Battle download Food Battle Review Food Battle Cheats Food Battle Взлом Food Battle Как взломать Food Battle'
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