'Crispy Tauntaun - Epic Meal Time'

04:20 Aug 14, 2021
'Bid on cool Star Wars stuff to support Make-A-Wish at http://www.ebay.com/courseoftheforce  LIKE/FAV this video EpicMealTime creates a Star Wars themed meal that includes a full tauntaun. Stuffed with pasta and sausages, and served with a tall glass of Yoda soda, this is what happens when you give a cooking show a lightsaber.    BUY AWESOME TSHIRTS!!!   http://shop.epicmealtime.com   http://www.facebook.com/epicmealtime   http://www.twitter.com/epicmealtime   http://www.whiskeydicklube.com  Find more on Course of The Force at http://www.courseoftheforce.com Check out more Chris Hardwick & the Nerdist Channel at http://www.youtube.com/nerdist' 

Tags: Star Wars , epic , Pasta , bacon , sandwiches , han solo , yoda , alfredo , epicmealtime , muscles glasses , Harley Morenstein , tauntaun , with lord , course of the force , chris hardwick

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