'Parents Talking with Their Kids About Gun Safety - NSSF & Project ChildSafe'

'Parents Talking with Their Kids About Gun Safety - NSSF & Project ChildSafe'
05:40 May 2, 2024
'“Can I touch the gun?” “Can I play with a gun if it looks like a toy?” “What do I do if I see a gun at my friend’s house?”  Even if kids aren’t asking about gun safety, that doesn’t mean they don’t have questions.  Project ChildSafe has teamed up with Julie Golob, a veteran, competitive shooting sports champion, hunter and mom, to discuss the importance of gun safety education. She’s joined by a group of kids whose thoughts about firearms will help inform parents about the best way to start a conversation. The result is an exclusive video — the first of its kind — to remind gun owners about the importance of having this conversation with their families.  Join us in a discussion about what to say, how to say it and the key elements to think about when speaking to your family about firearm safety.  Visit Project ChildSafe: http://www.projectchildsafe.org/  ---------------------  #LetsGoShooting #NSSF #LetsGoHunting #NSSF #safety #FirearmSafety #GunSafety ____ Subscribe to theNSSF channel: http://nssf.it/youtube ____ Visit and follow us: ____ Let\'s Go Shooting http://LetsGoShooting.org: http://facebook.com/letsgoshootingusa | http://twitter.com/LetsGoShootUSA | http://instagram.com/letsgoshootingusa ____ Let\'s Go Hunting http://LetsGoHunting.org http://facebook.com/letsgohuntingusa | http://instagram.com/letsgohuntingusa | http://twitter.com/LetsGoHuntUSA ____ #GunOwnersCare http://GunOwnersCare.org http://facebook.com/gunownerscare | http://instagram.com/gunownerscare | http://twitter.com/GunOwnersCare ____ Find a place to shoot: http://wheretoshoot.org ____ NSSF http://NSSF.org http://Facebook.com/NSSFcomm | http://instagram.com/thenssf http://Twitter.com/NSSF | http://linkedin.com/company/349673 ____ #NSSF | #PlusOneMovement | #LetsGoShooting | #LetsGoHunting' 

Tags: family , kids , education , children , parents , talking , gun , Guns , Firearm (Sports Equipment) , #safety , #hunting , nssf , #NSSF , #GunSafety , Gun lock , Project Childsafe , #LetsGoHunting , National Shooting Sports Foundation (Award Winner) , Gun Safety (Literature Subject) , #FirearmSafety , #LetsGoShooting , Firearm Safety , precision sports

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