'Americans Try Indian Food for the First Time - Food Tasting Reaction - Part 2'

30:54 Mar 18
'#IndianFood #BoringReviews #FoodReaction  Meat Entrees & Desserts & Bonus Footage from Gabe  We have finally eaten our first bit of Indian food. This has been years in the making. The food is from a local restaurant serving Indian Cuisine. It’s name is Mt. Everest India’s Cuisine in Las Vegas. We appreciate them making this delicious food.   Thanks to our Patrons for sponsoring this video. They are the best!  Let us know what you think of this video.   Channel artwork and logos done by Varun Kumar @varunkumar3000  If you want a Boring Review shirt, hoodie, tote bag, mug and many more with our logo check out: https://www.teepublic.com/user/boring-reviews (North America) & https://www.redbubble.com/shop/?query=boringreviews&ref=search_box (Everywhere, including India). Many more designs coming each week.   You can make requests as always. If you are a Patron for $1, $2, &3, or $7, $10 or $15 your requests will be heard much louder. The likelihood of them being heard within seven days and posted increase dramatically. Support Boring Reviews in a great way by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/preview/9d1e1ea1372d4a0f9ed1dae099f44edd  We now have a sister channel called, Cricket for Americans. It’s all about cricket. It will feature three extra cricket videos a week at least. Check us out at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPXemj-w2RKglLEjyTwHZVA  If you like to read, I’ve written an original novel. It is an epic story set as a western but much more than that. Here is the link to get your copy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1612963080/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1563919202&sr=8-2  If you want to get a hold of us or do business with us: boringreviewnation@gmail.com  Let’s get to 50,000 subscribers!' 
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