'Red Osier Dogwood - Enhance Your Food Plot for Deer'

'Red Osier Dogwood - Enhance Your Food Plot for Deer'
05:14 Feb 23, 2024
'Red Osier Dogwood ,  I am using this shrub as an ascent attractant to the corner of my Deer Food plot . The woody browse this plant will produce will be a great way to compliment my green crop as deer love to eat woody browse as much as lush greens .       ROD will grow into a 6-10foot high and wide Bush . In the winter the steams will remain a nice color of red and look wonderful in the winter landscape. This plant can grow well in wet swampy areas . That’s why I am putting it in the corner of my food plot. It’s an area that my stream runs along and makes planting crops very tough. This hardy shrub should grow nicely there, it is hardy enough to grow with its roots in some water . Also know as wet feet .       The deer love Red Osier Dogwood so much that I caged these young plants. If I left them uncaged there is a good chance that the deer would over browse on them to the ground and kill them.   So think about using this plant as a way to help amplify your deer attraction . Use this as an alternative to an apple tree, perhaps and keep this plant in mind for your deer habitat needs  Plants came from :   https://foxrivervalleynursery.com/Red-Osier-Dogwood-Shrub_p_93.html     #RedOsierDogwood #Dogwoods #FoodPlots #FoodplotsForDeer #Deer #WoodYBrowse #LandMangement #DeerHabitat #FigAndCloverRanch' 

Tags: deer , planting , foodplot , dogwood , shrubs , Landmanagement , FigAndCloverRanch , DeerHabitat , FoodplotForDeer , RedOsierDogwood , WoodyBrowse , DeerFood , DeerBrowse , WetFeet , TreePlanting

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