'The Best Guide On When to Plant Spring Food Plots (698)'

07:24 Feb 20, 2024
'As spring advances across the whitetails range hunters are asking when to start planting food plots.  In this video, Grant Woods, Ph.D - Wildlife Biologist, shares new tips and info on how to determine the best time to begin planting food plots at your specific location.  @GrowingDeerTV #deerhunting #TeamOutdoors  Many long-term viewers of GrowingDeer will remember many years ago that we started planting blends and doing different techniques, and as we learned more, we called that – or coined the term – the Buffalo System. And that was really great. Well, we learned a lot and really improved the soils here at The Proving Grounds, but as we\'ve  learned even more and advanced the techniques, we\'ve moved on to what we call The Release Process™.  This process of planting food plots is releasing the potential of the soil or releasing Creation’s potential.  Here\'s the link to the soil temperature website: https://www.growingdeer.tv/soiltemperature  These techniques are not complicated, and they’re just following very simple soil health improvement principles. One of those principles is have the ground covered where there’s a heavy crop here. That also means covered with duff in the non-growing season.  This is recycling the nutrients in this area, and the benefit is the soil and all the wildlife using this area.Now, there are many other benefits, and one, there are all kinds of bees and butterflies using this area. People talk about planting a pollinator crop, well,  these food plots not only benefit deer and turkey and other species of wildlife – all the pollinator species. But maybe you’re not starting here. Maybe you’ve just been using traditional agriculture. You’ve been turning the soil and planting a monoculture or single species, but you see the benefits of this. Not only from a soil health point of view, but we’ve got stuff coming on to feed deer at all different times from when we planted, and it germinated last fall all the way through to now and deer eating the younger clover in here. This has fed critters for months on end.' 

Tags: clover , food plots , white-tailed deer , how to plant food plots , Hunting (Interest) , cover crops , No-till Farming , hunter education , regenerative agriculture , food for deer , farming for wildlife , organic planting

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