'Robot deliveries taking off in UK'

'Robot deliveries taking off in UK'
02:07 Jan 15, 2022
'Here is a great example of an autonomous, self-driving robot. This one, operated by starship technology, delivers grocery and takeaway food to local residents.   This is the official YouTube Channel of Eagle Broadcasting Corporation’s Eagle News Service.   Visit and subscribe to Eagle News YouTube channel to view the latest videos from our programs and from the reports of EBC’s correspondents from around the world . #EagleNews   Visit our News websites: eaglenews.ph, eaglenews.net and eaglenewslive.com.   Visit and like our official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EagleNews/   Check out our official twitter account: https://twitter.com/eaglenews.' 

Tags: Food , uk , commentary , online , robot , europe , united kingdom , current events , news live , food delivery , Delivery , COVID-19 update , online food ordering , Eagle News , deliveries , Net 25 news , PHL headlines , world headlines , current issues

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