'There are lots of considerations and options when it comes to food plots. Take a look at this video and read the linked MSU Extension publications for a summary of our food plot research over the years. P 2111: Wildlife Food Plot Planting Manual for the Southeast http://extension.msstate.edu/publications/supplemental-wildlife-food-planting-manual-for-the-southeast P 3102: Getting the Most Bang for your Buck: A Guide for Liming and Fertilizing Wildlife Food Plots https://extension.msstate.edu/publications/getting-the-most-bang-for-your-buck-guide-for-liming-and-fertilizing-wildlife-food P 3604: A Cost-Production Comparison of Common Food Plot Plantings for Deer http://extension.msstate.edu/publications/cost-production-comparison-common-food-plot-plantings-for-deer Link to Deer Seminar: Food Plot Principles https://reg.extension.msstate.edu/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0081-0004-8f2251efa1a84c50a41333973284f973 Link to Deer Seminar: Cool-Season Food Plots https://reg.extension.msstate.edu/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0081-0004-6714483d3ac04d9894302a7e9a5a6064'
See also: