'An amazing new trick that I recently came across! By using item numbers instead of names you can spawn any item in the game! This works for characters, animals and even those useless children! No mods required. This might even work for some of the secret items not in the game normally. Using this you can easily make millions of gold, start the game with Iridium Sprinklers, Rare Seeds and the Galaxy Sword if you choose. The kids can even pay for the own removal finally! This trick is great for anyone who just can\'t find that last gem or artifact... or weapon.. This trick is perfect for speedrunning. Million gold challenge anyone? More fun Stardew videos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps_9j6zqEpg&list=PLhm8Ygwc4nJhmb5O1q6wEVhdgRcmUCWf- Linus Simulator! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vanhaROGN70'
Tags: speed , HD , tips , tutorial , tricks , funny , Gameplay , trick , mod , spawn , 1080p , 1080 , run , Valley , mods , any , cheats , DF , item , speedrun , Stardew , dangerously , how to get any item in stardew valley , stardew valley spawn items , stardew valley item spawner , stardew valley item numbers , stardew valley item glitch , stardew valley how to get any item , stardew valley how to spawn items , spawn any item stardew valley , stardew valley spawn any item , stardew valley name glitch
See also: