'In his video I go through and check on one of our CFTs that got the hemp a few weeks ago and feed them 170lbs of food scraps, 10lbs of coffee, and 20lbs of shredded paper. Watch what we do with the buckets of food scraps from our food scrap pickup service and how our little worms get busy breaking it down into vermicompost. Thanks for watching! If you\'re in Northern Illinois and want to sign up for our Food Scrap Pickup Service or want to start one in your area, please reach out, we\'re always happy to share the details. If you like the video, give it a like, and subscribe to the channel for more videos of life on the farm or how we process food scraps into usable compost for our gardens. Find us online: https://www.OurSustainableJourney.com Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Our-Sustainable-Journey-104774414207408'
Tags: food scraps , CFT , compost , Naperville , vermicompost , Granville , vermiculture , vermi , our sustainable journey , heeley
See also: