'5 Ways to Repair Your Kidneys and Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally'

'5 Ways to Repair Your Kidneys and Lower Creatinine Levels Naturally'
31:17 Jul 2, 2022
'How to lower your creatinine fast and naturally * The Program to Reverse Kidney Disease - http://www.nhfkp.com/kidney      If you’re suffering from kidney disease, there are 5 ways you can repair your kidneys and lower your creatinine that are actually supported by science. #kidneyrepair #creatinine A lot of people don’t think this can be done, but I’ll show you proof that with the easy tips to keep the kidneys healthy of today’s video you can get great results.  #kidneyhealthtips  Subscribe to #00kidney https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney Full article: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/5-ways-repair-kidneys/ Studies sources: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/5-ways-repair-kidneys-sources/ Where to find the supplements: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/herbal-remedies-kidney-disease/  Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.    In this video: let\'s talk about the 5 ways to repair your kidneys and get your kidney function back! Minute 1:08 = Message of Hope from a Wilcjosh who reversed kidney disease. Minute 2:36 = Step number 1 - Improve Your Renal Diet. Minute 6:02 = Let\'s talk about the High Sodium Foods.  Minute 7:21 = Benefits of a low-sodium diet (good for managing blood pressure & repair the kidneys). Minute 12:58 = Step number 2: the 4 Life-Saving Tests (these tests will save your kidneys!). Minute 13:43 = First test  Minute 14:49 = Second test Minute 15:27 = What are the good score of this test? 30mg of albumin per gram of URINARY CREATININE. Minute 15:58 = What are the normal levels of Creatinine for males and females? Minute 17:10 = Third test (very important) Minute 17:33 = GFR levels good - GFR levels bad Minute 18:01 =  Step number 3 to reverse kidney disease: don\'t wait to get sicker! Don\'t ignore the symptoms! Minute 20:36 = the POWERFUL HOME REMEDY to help you reversing kidney disease & inflammation. Minute 23:39 = this POWERFUL REMEDY will help you lowering high creatinine levels. Minute 28:27 = NEWS ABOUT THE STEM CELL THERAPY Minute 30:24 = REVERSE KIDNEY DISEASE IN ALL THE STAGES, LEARN HOW.  Ok, there are a lot of things I want to talk about today,  there are a couple of home remedies for chronic kidney disease proven to work I want to tell you about … I’ve got them with me so I can show you how to use them…  and also there are important updates about the development of a stem cell treatment for kidney disease … and more … so watch this video till the end, it will be really interesting. #kidneypatient #kidneytreatment  Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.   RSS subscribe: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/feed/ Facebook support group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/352469048524134/ 00Kidney on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidney1/ Katherine on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/00kidney/?hl=en Michael on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikewright055/ 00Kidney blog http://00kidney.blogspot.com/  Subscribe to our mailing list and get a free ebook! http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/healthy-mind-healthy-body-visualization/ How Michael got out of dialysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4Bt0fXMWqU&list=PL6o23ZjlPPqLVYVzc-WFbQlYiH73K2UDf  Did you like this video? Want to see more coming? Help 00kidney by sharing, liking and subscribing – thank you! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney   Extract from the video:   How to lower creatinine levels and improve kidney function How can you improve your renal diet effectively? First of all, focus on a plant-based diet. Because it has some amazing benefits for kidney patients.It LOWERS blood sugar and blood pressure. REDUCES the risk of obesity, diabetes,  dementia, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. It even IMPROVES kidney function. #kidneyfoods #kidneys #kidneydisease #kidneyhealth  What are the 4 Life-Saving Tests Unfortunately, not everyone gets checked for this regularly or their doctors don’t pay enough attention to a test that could save so many lives.  So, if you don’t have kidney disease but you are at risk for it, maybe because of diabetes or high blood pressure or a family history of kidney disease, get checked and pay close attention to Albumin. What are the good scores for this test? Less than 30 mg of albumin per gram of urinary creatinine. If you have more than this, it’s a sign of kidney damage. #kidneydamage #kidneysymptoms #kidneydiseasetreatment #kidneytransplant Third test is Serum Creatinine, or creatinine in blood.  This is one of the main indicators of kidney function. Healthy kidneys filter creatinine (a waste product from muscle activity) out of the blood. When kidney function is reduced, creatinine levels rise. #kidneyfailure #reversekidneydisease #kidneydisease  #creatinine #renalfailure #dialysis #ESRD #kidneytransplant #chronickidneydisease #nephrology' 

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