Jun 9, 2022
'CNE - CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 2019 Explore the top things to do in indoor as well as outdoor areas of CNE in this short but adventurous video. Food, Fun, Rides, Games, Shows, Shopping, Learning and Exploration is what defines the Canadian National Exhibition. Right from knowing how the farmers of Canada work hard to grow the food we eat everyday to various small and big stalls of incredible collection of things we can\'t buy in malls. From Jacuzzi to jeans, and from butterfly frames to bracelets, there were hundreds of things I saw for the first time in my life and more than dozen interesting facts I learned from CNE 2019. CNE is a must visit place for everyone living in Canada, especially Toronto & GTA. This not only helps the sellers, but also helps every visitor to know so many things about Canada. In one line - it was a thrilling day! Official website: https://theex.com/ #CNE #CNE2019 #Toronto #Canada #Life'
Tags: canada , toronto , CNE , CNE 2019 , canadian national exhibition
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