'This week we discuss various feed stocks and how much we go through on our worm farm so that before you go into commercial worm farming you have an idea of what it really takes to feed all these worms and how we handle prepping some of the feed stocks so that it\'s stuff our worms will enjoy. We hope you enjoy the video. Thank you for watching, we really appreciate it! If you like the video, give it a like, and subscribe to the channel for more videos of life on the farm! If you\'d like to buy worms from our friends at Memes Worms: https://memesworms.com/?rfsn=5598056.111f7e We\'re a small farm in Granville, IL trying to be as sustainable as possible. Our focuses are on worm farming, small farm animals, and teaching our children to be as sustainable as they can be, too. We started a food scrap pickup program in our hometown of Naperville, IL, where we still spend much of our time, to try to help others who aren\'t able to compost or want to keep their food scraps out of landfills. Find us on the Web: https://www.OurSustainableJourney.com Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Our-Sustainable-Journey-104774414207408'
Tags: CFT , Worm food , Naperville , Granville , worm farm , Commercial Worm Farm , Worm Harvesting , Worm Farmer
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