Jun 3, 2022
'#UnitedNations #FoodSystems #Summit2021 #UltraProcessed #LocallyGrown United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021 Minister Rambharat: T&T Working to Shift Balance from Ultra-Processed Food to Locally Grown In his virtual address at the United Nations Food Systems Summit earlier today, Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator the Honourable Clarence Rambharat said that Trinidad and Tobago is working towards shifting the balance from ultra-processed food to locally grown high quality, family-farmed, fruits, vegetables and grains. He indicated that the country is in full support of the five (5) action tracks submitted by both the Institute Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), with special emphasis being placed on action track number #2 which focusses directly on nutrition, safe food, healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. Minister Rambharat also outlined the various policies proposed in the Road Map to Recovery Plan to improve this country’s food and nutrition security. The Plan addresses issues arising out of the COVID-19 Pandemic. These policies include: • Supporting increased local production of nutritious food to reduce dependence on imported food and inputs; • Building a more technologically advanced agriculture system including digital transformation, to improve productivity, improving cold storage facilities to reduce losses and increase the availability of domestic food supply. About the United Nations Food System Summit 2021: Under the leadership of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the UN Food Systems Summit is currently taking place today, (Thursday, 23 September 2021) and it is an entirely virtual event during the UN General Assembly High-level Week. The UN Food Systems Summit serves as a historic opportunity to empower all people to leverage the power of food systems to drive our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and get us back on track to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.'See also: