'Vietnam grows a lot of sugarcane. The area planted to sugarcane has been gradually expanding in recent years across the country, from the north to the south. To get the most out of sugarcane, Vietnamese uses the following tools: Sugarcane Cutting Machine, Sugarcane Peeler, Sugarcane Juice Extractor. All those to make the freshest sugarcane juice for Vietnam street food. Moreover, Vietnamese eat sugarcane worm too which is worms from sugarcane. I love to share with you my Vietnam food adventure. #SugarcaneCUTTINGMACHINE #sugarcanejuiceextractor #sugarcaneworm'
Tags: vietnam street food , vietnamese street food , Sugarcane Juice , raw street capture 101 , Sugarcane Juice Extractor , all vietnam street food from sugarcane , vietnamese juice street food , vietnam juice street food , juice street food in vietnam , vietnam sugarcane juice , sugarcane cutting machine , sugarcane peeler , sugarcane worm , sugarcane juice extractor in vietnam , sugarcane cutting machine in vietnam , sugarcane peeler in vietnam , sugarcane worm in vietnam
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