'FREE EBOOKLET http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com Fruitflies! They are always around, especially when the temperature rises above 25 degrees c. What can we do about it? A lot of people try to kill them.. but that\'s not the vegan way! :) I love fruitflies actually, but they can be troublesome at times. The key to making them disappear is not to eradicate them with some concoction. It\'s simply to not give them any food! Don\'t let anything sit on the counter that has been cut, has wounds, or is otherwise easy for them to start gobbling away at. Fruit flies can destroy fruit before it\'s properly ripe. They lay eggs in fruits with compromised skin, so make sure those papayas are not squished on your way home from the market! Keeping a clean kitchen is essential! Having a small pool of sugar juice on your counter might be enough for them to survive of for a while. They multiply, and you\'re doomed. Most important though, keep a lid on that compost bin of yours! That place is an insane breeding ground for them. Even overnight you might have created a difficult situation! So, no damaged fruit. Clean counter. Compost bin with lid on! Remember to SUBSCRIBE to stay up to date with all the latest videos! *BUY OUR EBOOK ABOUT FRUIT FOCUSED TRAVEL & ULTRALIGHT BACKPACKING IN THE TROPICS: http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com/travel-ebook/ *SIGN UP FOR PERSONAL HEALTH AND LIFE COACHING ONLINE: http://www.sweetnaturalliving.com/coaching *LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO STAY CONNECTED: http://www.facebook.com/sweetnaturalliving'
Tags: Lifestyle , Health , health coach , egg , fruit , banana , mango , Raw , vegan , Natural , sugar , coaching , problem , raw vegan , raw food , natural health , efficient , hclf , solution , vinegar , damage , chemical , tropical , 811 , low fat , high carb , worm , raw till 4 , fruitarian , clean kitchen , 80/10/10 , fruit flies , 811rv , lfrv , frugivore , raw food coach , consultations , natural hygiene , mikkel , mads , sweet natural living , larvae , compost bin , fruitflies , Bruising , how to get rid of , deal with , non-violent
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