'Welcome to That Pedal Show! Please subscribe to our channel and visit our store https://www.thatpedalshowstore.com Life too short for long YouTube videos? Please see the ‘Interesting bits and go-to sections’ information below. We get asked all the time to feature more value-for-money pedals on the show. In this episode we set ourselves an upper budget of £350 to create a full electric guitar pedalboard that must include: drive, modulation, delay and one other free choice. Our amp is a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe. Regular viewers will notice that we have an additional mic on the amp in this video too – a Sontronics Delta Ribbon Mic that will feature more prominently in next week’s show… www.sontronics.com The £350 budget was set at Friday 23 June 2017… but it seems that some prices have already gone up! Consider the numbers a rough guide at best, not least with Mick’s dreadful mental arithmetic. We didn’t include power for the pedals and the board itself in the budget, though as you’ll see, Mick managed to build a rudimentary board within the budget. AND cover it in fake grass. Yeah baby. What did we choose, and what does it all sound like? Let’s do this… Pedals in this episode… A note on prices: Retail prices fluctuate greatly, not least internationally. Even since we shot this video some prices have gone up already. • Mooer ElecLady UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2g7sSnk • Electro-Harmonix Soul Food UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2umWN0Z USA: https://imp.i114863.net/qMVYj Australia: (JHS mod version) http://bit.ly/2s56joI • Boss BD-2 Blues Driver UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2nuCD65 USA: https://imp.i114863.net/jbVYv • Maxon AD-9 Pro Just discontinued in the UK. Try http://www.maxonfx.com/nine-series-effects-pedals/ad-9-analog-delay-pro • EHX Crayon 76 UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2tpl6OQ USA: https://imp.i114863.net/5rKo9 • Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2dRVXa2 USA: https://imp.i114863.net/qMVY5 • TC Electronic Corona Chorus+ UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2sUvnBQ USA: https://imp.i114863.net/QD0kP Australia: http://bit.ly/2tsgzvH • TC Electronic The Prophet Digital Delay UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2s50NTg Australia: http://bit.ly/2tsgzvH • Mooer Treilocopter UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2i8yiDi * Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: http://www.thatpedalshow.com/partners Amps in this episode: Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III - No longer made, link to latest version UK & Europe: http://bit.ly/2KBwMWc USA: https://imp.i114863.net/jbVqe Interesting bits and go-to sections… – Intro & The Rules!: 00:00 – The big reveal: 0:45 – Dan’s board choices/prices (despite abysmal maths): 1:12 (quick play through at 7:07)) – Mick’s choices/prices… 2:34 (quick play through at 5:25) – …and how he built it: 3:21 – Today’s amp: 9:05 – Dan’s board in detail… 9:30 – Mooer ElecLady: 10:40 (playing at 12:30) – EHX Soul Food: 14:40 (playing at 15:20) – Soul Food & Maxon delay: 16:40 – Boss BD-2 Blues Driver: 17:20 – BD-2 & Soul Food together: 19:00 – Maxon AD9 Pro Delay: 20:55 (playing at 23:00) – Mick’s board in detail: 29:10 – Electro-Harmonix Crayon: 30:53 (playing at 31:25) – Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini: 35:43 – TC Corona Chorus+: 38:35 (playing at 40:39) – Mick’s analogue/digital delay observations: 46:05 – Thoughts on super cheap pedals: 47:36 – TC Electronic Prophet Digital Delay: 48:50 – Mooer Trelicopter: 53:40 – What about a loop switcher?: 58:50 – Star of the show?: 58:27 – What about power? 59:27 – 100k subs? What?!: 1:00:45 – Two more guitars, just for fun… 1:01:54 Guitars in this episode • Fender Custom Shop ’63 Telecaster – watch Dan’s video at http://bit.ly/2dlZJ6K • Fender American Vintage’62 Stratocaster – watch Mick’s video at http://bit.ly/2cQv3yT • Collings 360LT with Lollar Gold Foil pickups We hope you enjoy this video. Please subscribe to our channel. You may even want to buy a T-shirt to support our efforts https://www.thatpedalshowstore.com We are also on Patreon – crowdfunding for creatives https://www.patreon.com/ThatPedalShow Please visit our preferred retailers! UK & Europe: Andertons Music http://bit.ly/2cRvIvt Australia: Pedal Empire http://bit.ly/2mWmJQf'
Tags: EHX Soul Food , Mooer ElecLady demo , Boss BD-2 demo , Boss Blues Driver , Maxon AD9 Pro delay , Maxon AD9 demo , EHX Crayon demo , EHX Crayon 76 , Mini Tubescreamer demo , TC Corona Chorus+ demo , Conona Chorus demo , TC The Prophet Delay demo , TC Prophet Delay , Mooer Trelicopter demo , Budget pedals , value for money pedalboard , cheap pedals , cheap pedalboard
See also: