'Day #18 - Homemade Vega Brand Protein Shake - Food Be Thy Medicine'

'Day #18 - Homemade Vega Brand Protein Shake - Food Be Thy Medicine'
01:01 May 6, 2022
'So here we are at day #18 and I am talking about my Vega brand protein shake that I use my homemade almond milk with.  I love making people happy with a fresh and delicious homemade protein shake (I make the best protein shake on earth).  So if you like what you see, then please subscribe to me.  I mean my channel and all!' 

Tags: health coach , health coaching , IIN health coach , almond milk , best protein powder , best protein shake , Xavier Smith , Mr. XL Smith , nutri-coach X , nutritional coaching , Plant based protein shake , Vegan protein shakes , vega brand all in one protein powder

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