'PM Modi Introduced a New Coin| Food And Agriculture Organization(FAO) | United Nations | Food And Agriculture Organization(FAO) | United Nations Current affairs by Ashish Ashatkar. Current Affairs Today | Current Affairs In Hindi November I hope you enjoyed the video. Don\'t forget to leave a comment below, I want to hear your opinion! Thank you for watching - I really appreciate your support! Love you all! Please SUBSCRIBE to our CHANNEL and hit the BELL icon to get notified! Weekly current affairs useful for upsc,ssc,mppsc and all state services competitive exams. Weekly current affairs from authentic government news agencies and channels. All india radio and DD News. #CurrentAffairs #currentaffairs2020 #nextexamcurrentaffairs #DailyCurrentAffairs #pmmodibankexam #ibps #rrb #currentaffairs #currentaffairstoday #rrb #ntpc#rrb #ntpc2020#rrb #ntpcpreparation #ssc #ssccgl #ssctuatara #ssccgl2020 #sscchsl #sscchslexampreparation #mppsc #mppsc2020 #ibpsclerk #ibpsclerk2020 #ibpspo #dailycurrentaffairs #howtostudy #uppsc #generalknowledge #generalknowledgequiz #gk #ras #sscje'
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