'Bless this food (how to pray and how not to pray)'

'Bless this food (how to pray and how not to pray)'
03:54 Apr 25, 2022
'One day while eating lunch, I said the blessing before the meal, and a thought struck me. It was on my mind for the rest of the day, and it has stuck with me ever since.  All of my life I was taught to pray before meals (a good thing to do by the way), but I was taught to pray, \"Lord bless this food\", which is quite different from the way the Bible says to pray. Listen to what Deuteronomy 8:10 says about it.  \"When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.\"  There is a drastic difference between these two prayers. In the first I was taught to pray \"Lord, bless this food\", but in the Bible we are taught to pray \"Blessed are you LORD\" - Blessing God, not the food.  It actually seems quite laughable to me now looking back that in the past I used to ask God to bless food.  Prayer before and after meals is for the purpose of blessing, thanking, and praising God for His provisions. We are to bless God for giving us food, not ask Him to bless it for us.  For more information visit http://www.unlearnthelies.com/' 

Tags: Food , clean , God , bible , Kosher , Prayer , Feast , clean food , yeshua , prayer for food , kosher food , unlearn , unclean food , unclean , bless this food , should we bless our food , blessings for meals , praying for food , hebrew prayer for meals , lex meyer , clean and unclean food , speaking blessings , bless the Lord , unlearn the lies , how to be a blessing , be a blessing to God , be thankful , praying for blessings , food as an act of worship

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