'How to Cook Crispy Chili Beef ! Best Black Pepper Beef Recipe | Miniature Food'

01:24 Apr 24, 2022
'One of the most delicious Chinese dishes, beef with chili is another dish that can be made in different ways. The traditional beef with chili dish is made with sliced beef and chili, but you can spice it up with more vegetables and spices if you want. This is a very tasty Chinese dish that is made with beef and chili peppers, usually Sichuan peppers.Crispy Chili beef is very spicy, so it is not for everyone. The meat is tender and the fat is well-rendered and rich. The dish is easy to make, but it does require a longer cooking time. #beef #blackpepper #miniaturefood' 

Tags: Recipe , miniature food , mini food , beef , ASMR Cooking , food compilation , tiny cooking , black pepper , black pepper beef , miniature kitchen , how to make miniature food , crispy chili beef , How to Cook Crispy Chili Beef , Cook Crispy Chili Beef , How to Cook Chili Beef , How to Cook Black Pepper Beef , Miniature Crispy Chili Beef , Cook Miniature Crispy Chili Beef

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