'#無接觸送餐 #軌道送餐機器人 #自動化送餐系統 打造安全無接觸送餐環境!營業額逆勢成長『王牪牛排』無接觸送餐更安心 ! 在全台需求大增疫情下\"無接觸\"科技夯!全台唯一創舉王牪牛排,導入鴻匠科技「軌道送餐機器人」規劃了全自動軌道送餐,成功幫助店家從傳統牛排館,轉型成自動化模式,不僅解決餐廳人力不足問題更有效節省人事成本!整體空間規劃動線分明具有科技感,兼具美味與創新的餐廳為您送上熱呼呼的高檔鐵板牛排大受客人喜愛,全自動快速出餐,更能有效率地把餐點送到客人座位上,節省客人等餐的時間,是成功吸引顧客再訪的關鍵。 However, for catering industry, we will never forget how serious this epidemic impacted. More and more stores eager to changing traditional manual ordering and staff delivery pattern into automated and virus-prevented style. \"Food Delivery Robot\" has became the top inquiring and purchasing prodcut recently. \"Food Delivery Robot\" can delivery meals contactlessly, which not only protect employees and customers from virus spreading but also rise table turnover rate. In order to create a safer dining and working environment, contactless service \"Food Delivery Robot\" will be your best assistant and the trend in the future without a doubt! 【軌道送餐機器人】 了解更多
Tags: system , Mobile , Tablet , automatic , 賽車 , Sushi , Delivery , ordering , conveyor , 燒肉 , 火鍋 , 壽司 , 迴轉台 , 送餐車 , 平板點餐 , 無人化餐廳 , 智慧餐廳 , 快速送餐 , 科技送餐 , SUSHICONVEYOR , AUTOMTED , 手機點餐 , 展示台 , 磁力迴轉台 , 軌道送餐機器人 , 無接觸送餐 , 防疫餐廳 , 自走車
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