'Is the BBQ Chicken Pizza from CPK tastier from the restaurant or the grocery store? Find out! GMM #1321.1 Watch Part 2: https://youtu.be/-pD82Nk_ddU Watch yesterday\'s episode from the start: http://bit.ly/GMM1320 Pick up all of the official GMM merch at https://mythical.store & exclusive limited edition tees at https://www.amazon.com/mythical Follow Rhett & Link: Instagram: https://instagram.com/mythical Facebook: https://facebook.com/mythical Twitter: https://twitter.com/mythical Tumblr: https://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Snapchat: @realrhettlink Website: https://mythical.co/ Check Out Our Other Mythical Channels: Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore Rhett & Link: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink This Is Mythical Kitchen: https://youtube.com/mythicalkitchen Ear Biscuits: https://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits Want to send us something? https://mythical.co/contact Have you made a Wheel of Mythicality intro video? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro Intro Animation by Digital Twigs: https://www.digitaltwigs.com Intro & Outro Music by Jeff Zeigler & Sarah Schimeneck https://www.jeffzeigler.com All Supplemental Music from Extreme Production Music: https://www.extrememusic.com/ We use ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones https://www.bluemic.com/mouse/'
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