'River worm, aka, “Rươi”, is living brackish waters in the North, usually only appear in the rainy season, late September, early October. Rươi are considered a source of nutritious and valuable food because River worm only appears seasonally, in a very short time, they are the protein-rich, effective to improve health. Fishermen catch river worm when they appear en masse following a rising tide, floating on the surface of the water in the spawning season in late September or early October. River worm dishes are so delicious, but if anyone has saw Rươi alive for 1 time, which is not easy to be unafraid. Rươi look like leech hybrid centipede, they are many legs, mushy soft body, with all colors: blue, red, yellow, gray, thick stripes in the layer of viscosity as glue and the unpleasant fishy smell. Ruoi spend much of their short lives in brackish water burrowing into the sand or mud. Their hue changes from pinkish purple when young to milky brown as they mature. When the bellies fill with a milky fluid, it is time for the ruoi to depart for the spawning grounds. From River worm, aka, “Rươi”, the skillful homemaker prepare a lot of delicious food, distinct flavor characteristics such as Rươi ball, Rươi sauce, Rươi boil, Rươi rolls, Rươi cooked with brine, Rươi fried with bamboo sprouts or turnips, Rươi soup… Follow me on facebook for more street food video: https://www.facebook.com/RawStreetCapture101/'
Tags: street food , vietnam street food , raw street capture 101 , street food in vietnam 2016 , Crispy FULL river WORM , cook river WORM , cook full river WORM , cook 1000 river WORM
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