'Rebuilding our Relationship with Food with Maya Adam'

31:16 Mar 26, 2022
'In America today, many of us find ourselves caught in something like a dysfunctional relationship with food. We’re eating foods that are hurting our health. (We often recognize that!) But we still find ourselves coming back for more. How can we reframe our relationship with food, begin taking back control over our diets, and learn to love the foods that will love us back for a lifetime?  Maya Adam, ‘04, clinical assistant professor of pediatrics (infectious diseases) Professor Adam is the Director of Health Education Outreach at the Stanford Center for Health Education. Since 2009, she has been teaching courses on child health and nutrition at Stanford and via open online learning platforms. She is passionate about engaging learners around the globe through story-based, digital health education. Her online courses have reached more than 450,000 international students. She is the author of Food, Love, Family: A Practical Guide to Child Nutrition.' 

Tags: Food , university , association , alumni , reunion , stanford , saa , Maya Adam , Reunion Homecoming , Microlectures , micro lecture , Classes without Quizzes , CWOQ , Stanford Reunion

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