'Midweek Prayer: Food as Hope'

19:25 Mar 24, 2022
'ABOUT THIS SERVICE: After a steady decrease in hunger for over a decade, hunger is on the rise worldwide (UN stat). The impacts of the pandemic continue to exacerbate world hunger. In 2020, the prevalence of undernourishment climbed to around 9.9% (UN stat). This Advent we join in the waiting, and we share our gifts as a sign of hope for the day when all can be fed.  OFFERINGS:  Visit www.paypal.me/wickerparklutheran, www.bit.ly/wplcdonate, or by Venmo handle @wickerparklutheran  GET CONNECTED:  Get involved and get to know us by completing our Digital Connect card at www.bit.ly/connectwplc or visiting www.wickerparklutheran.org  FINE PRINT:  Some music, text, and images from Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License No. SAS000716  Scripture readings from the New Revised Standard Version unless noted otherwise. Select hymns: Used by permission. CCLI License No. 2426088 Select hymns: Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE, License No. A-731026. All rights reserved' 

Tags: church , hunger , Prayer , advent , ELCA , wickerparklutheran , ELCA World Hunger

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