'Since many requested to know my bulking diet and what I eat in a day, I decided to share my full day of eating video with you guys. I don\'t rely more on supplements when it comes to food. I like to keep my meals basic and simple. I hope this video gives you an idea of how bulking is done. JOIN MY ONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM: http://1morep.in Other videos you may like: Top 5 fatness mistakes: https://youtu.be/rN2LtLC2BzQ Best Kollywood physique: https://youtu.be/KKwkS97Dcbk Useless supplements: https://youtu.be/ACQzPlRlxQg What Steroids do to your body: https://youtu.be/M-6qJn02aWk Beginners workout series: Push day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8Brdg6J-2M&list=PLgb1QUrJNhxxg79CwhMV4bdKTNkqDzBWH&index=1 Pull day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY2lyQ7DBF4&list=PLgb1QUrJNhxxg79CwhMV4bdKTNkqDzBWH&index=2 Legday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=strClzri2w4&list=PLgb1QUrJNhxxg79CwhMV4bdKTNkqDzBWH&index=3 1moRep official Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/1morep.in/?hl=en Follow me on Clubhouse, let\'s talk: https://www.clubhouse.com/@ashiqsulaiman USE CODE \"ASHIQ\" to get up to 30% off on MYPROTEIN supplements at www.myprotein.co.in MASS GAINER VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESO_-CiFhf4&t=53s NOTE: THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE YOU START ANY KIND OF DIET IF YOU ARE PREDISPOSED TO ANY MEDICAL CONDITION. SEND ME A MESSAGE ON INSTAGRAM IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR PAID PERSONAL ONLINE TRAINING AND FOR MORE FITNESS-RELATED CONTENT. Come say hi: instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashiqsulaiman/ For more research-based and science-based content in Tamil please subscribe to my channel. Ashiq Sulaiman (Advanced Physique Transformation Expert) #tamilfitnesschannel #tamilfitnessvideos #tamilfitnesstips #besttamilfitnesschannel #besttamilfitnessyoutuber #onemorerep #1morep #besttamilfitnessyoutubechannel #researchbasedtamilfitnesschannel #researchbasedfitnesschannelsintamil #AshiqSulaiman'
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