'* How Stage 5 CKD Patient Got Out of Dialysis http://nhfkp.com/hope Today I’m answering these questions: QUESTION NUMBER 1 “My husband thinks I\'m cheating because I don\'t feel like being intimate… what should I do for my #relationship?” Answer - 01:51 QUESTION NUMBER 2 “I have dry skin, itchy skin… what should I do?” Answer - 04:51 QUESTION Number 3 “Is there a solution for swollen feet, hands and ankles?” Answer - 06:13 QUESTION NUMBER 4 “you always talk about moderate exercise… what is considered a moderate exercise and why is it so important for #kidney disease patients?” Answer - 07:53 QUESTION NUMBER 5 “can you suggest any snack that I can eat?” Answer - 09:29 QUESTION NUMBER 6 “how can I lower creatinine level and increase GFR?” Answer - 10:43 Subscribe to #00kidney https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney Doctors and nephrologists usually don’t spend enough time with kidney patients and other patients with chronic conditions to give them nearly enough information about their #health. And, if this wasn’t already a big enough problem, some doctors don’t even understand their patient’s concerns. Now, chronic kidney disease is a terrible illness and I see a lot of #patients here really frustrated about all the problems caused by this disease. In the community section of my channel I usually post moral support quotes every single day. You might find really hard to control your bad emotions. You might be in bad moods sometimes, you might think that life is really unfair and all kind of bad things, but BELIEVE ME, you are stronger than you think. You must be a fighter and put your trust in God. God is always good. Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel. Check out our website for last news and updates: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/relationships-and-kidney-disease/ RSS subscribe: http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/feed/ Facebook support group: https://www.facebook.com/kidney1/ Katherine on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/00kidney/?hl=en Michael on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikewright055/ 00Kidney blog http://00kidney.blogspot.com/ Subscribe to our mailing list and get a free ebook! http://newhopeforkidneypatients.com/healthy-mind-healthy-body-visualization/ How Michael got out of dialysis https://youtu.be/F4Bt0fXMWqU Did you like this video? Want to see more coming? Help 00kidney by sharing, liking and subscribing – thank you! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=00kidney'
Tags: Relationships , dry skin , kidney disease , Itchy Skin , kidney disease patient , how to lower creatinine , lower creatinine , How to Lower Creatinine Level , relationships advice , swollen feet , swollen ankles , increase gfr , swollen hands , how to increase GFR
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