'Tool Time: Cooking with a Stovetop Smoker'

'Tool Time: Cooking with a Stovetop Smoker'
04:33 Mar 6, 2022
'The Cameron stovetop smoker is a great way to smoke food indoors on the stovetop or by finishing at a low temperature in the oven. It is great for fish, shellfish, steaks, tenderloins, poultry, and vegetables. The fine wood smoking chips or dust is available in alder, apple, bourbon-soaked oak, cherry, corncob, hickory, maple, mesquite, oak, and pecan. The stovetop smoker and wood smoking dust is available in our store and on our website, www.kitchenconservatory.com.' 

Tags: kitchen , Cooking , Food , baking , Cook , Kitchen Tools , culinary , fish , cameron , Smoking , scallops , Cooking School , sur la table , Williams-Sonoma , kitchen conservatory , dierbergs , dierbergs cooking school , we make cooking fun , St. Louis MO , Clayton MO , Anne Cori , stovetop smoker , smoking scallops

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