'Ragi kanji in Tamil(BEST) | Ragi porridge for baby |Baby weight gaining food'

'Ragi kanji in Tamil(BEST) | Ragi porridge for baby |Baby weight gaining food'
03:45 Feb 25, 2022
'#ragikanjiintamil #ragiporridgeforbaby #middleclassmomspecial  Ragi kanji is highly nutritious for baby. Ragi kanji helps teeth and bone strength.you can give this ragi kanji for baby after 6 months.   Ragi malt is  We can see how to make baby Ragi kanji Soak the ragi in hot water and grid the ragi in mixie. Then filter the the ragi milk and stir well by after adding naatu sakarai. ragi kanji benefits of ragi kanji #6monthbabyfood, #babyfoodideas #babyfoodafter6months #ragikanjifor6monthbaby #Feeding6monthbaby #nachnisatvaforbaby #kidsbreakfast #kidslunchboxideas  Baby food chart:  https://youtu.be/EIunOLCymOA  Urai marunthu for baby:  https://youtu.be/7IWWCgFPvFY  Luvlap sipper bottle https://amzn.to/3dTgk02 Luvlap 360 drinking bottle https://amzn.to/3fPVmRv Mee Mee straw sipper bottle https://amzn.to/2Z7kX29 Philips straw cup https://amzn.to/2X3L7QD Mee Mee Bottle clean brush https://amzn.to/2Z8Q3X6 Munchkin miracle 360 degree water cup for baby https://amzn.to/361FXJh  Baby teether ,BPA FREE https://amzn.to/2WY4mew Mee Mee fruit Nibbler https://amzn.to/2Tak2dL 8 set teether and Rattle - Whisky https://amzn.to/3dW9J4Z Luvlap silicone teether - Milk bottle shape https://amzn.to/2T8Tx8v Little baby ball soft toy https://amzn.to/3dNk9Ug Intex inflatable baby bath tub https://amzn.to/3dQwnLO' 

Tags: ragi kanji for babies , ragi kanji tamil , ragi malt , ragi malt sweet , ragi malt preparation , ragi malt at home , ragi kanji for babies in tamil , Ragi malt Tamil , ragi kanji seivathu eppadi , ragi kanji benefits in Tamil , ragi kanji for 6 months baby , ragi malt for 8 months baby

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