'So there is a magical berry called mBerry and it turns ANYTHING sour into something SWEET! Taste Test Challenge Initiated! Thumbs up or else your taste buds will make all food taste like grass for the rest of your life, it\'s true... I can\'t make this stuff up people! ✨SUBSCRIBE if you eat food ➥ http://bit.ly/2w4HCfu (Press the
Tags: funny videos , family vlogs , fgteev , fv family , funnel vision , chases corner , chase fgteev , duddy , moomy , lex and mike , shawn fgteev , shawn funnel , funnel vlog , oreo fgteev , fv family gaming , mberry , mberry test , magic berry , magic berries taste test , mberries , fv family magic , fgteev magic
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