'When it comes to sea food, Keralites love for prawns just can\'t be ignored. Just try this recipe at home and do let us know your feedback. #keralafood #keralacuisine #villagefood #seafoodcusine #keralarecipe #grandmothersrecipe #manjalrujikoottukal Subscribe to our channel:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO6vD_YTBgVse-dy-A4Mmbw?view_as=subscriber Instagram:- Instagram.com/manjalrujikootakal Facebook page:- manjalrujikoottukal Twitter:- Twitter.com/manzalrujikoot1'
Tags: Healthy Food , kerala , food porn , village food , cuisine , foodies , kerala food , kerala cuisine , home cooked , nadan food , grandmas recipe , manjal rujikoottukal
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