'hello everyone welcome to Ethio spicy dishes.today\'s recepie is vegetable fried rice. its restaurant style i hope you will like it. please don\'t forget to subscribe and give a thumbs up thank you. follow me on instagram@ ethiospicydishes facebook @ Ethio spice dishes Ingrediants -oil -2 cups of rice -4cups of water -1 onion -1 cup of mixed veggies -cardamom -tomato -green bell pepper -cumin -1tsp garlic & ginger -black pepper -soya sauce -salt'
Tags: fried rice , chinese fried rice , vegetable fried rice , restaurant style fried rice , Ethiopian food , how to make vegetable fried rice , Ethio spicy dishes , rice with vegetable recipe , how to make rice with vegetable , chinese style fried rice with vegetables , ሩዝ በአትክልት አሰራር , ኢትዮ ስፓይሲ , ruz batikilet , rice batikilet , ቀላል የፆም ሩዝ አሰራር , የሩዝ አሰራር , riz aux légumes , easy vegetable rice , how to make vegetable rice , quick and easy rice
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