'Food Card UI Design Pure Css | Web Design'

'Food Card UI Design Pure Css | Web Design'
05:54 Dec 14, 2021
'I make this video for beginners and teach them how to create any project with HTML and CSS. I teach you how to write code by listening to some music and I \'m writing some articles to explain my code you must read this. and thank you for watching my videos if you like my videos make like, share and subscribe to my channel for more. _________________________________ source code Github:  https://github.com/karimcoda/Robot-Channel-YouTube-/tree/master/Food-Card-UI-Design  __________________________ My tools:- Code Editing: VScode. Browser: Firefox Developer Editing. Recording&video Editing: Camtasia. ___________________________ aritcls by my Pen: -Create-Masonry-Layout-With-Grid-Layout-System-HTML-CSS Arabic(باللغة العربية): https://dev.to/karimcoda65/create-masonry-layout-with-grid-layout-system-html-css-arabic-32pl  -Responsive web design (Flexbox): https://dev.to/karimcoda65/flexbox-in-css-the-first-post-in-2020-5gn3  -Css Postion: Relative VS Absolute: https://dev.to/karimcoda65/css-postion-relative-vs-absolute-3ioh _____________________________________ follow  my accounts all social media: social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karim.coda99 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karimcoda GitHub: https://github.com/karimcoda Codepen: https://codepen.io/karim-coda Dev: https://dev.to/karimcoda65  _________________________ #UI-Design2020 #css2020 #flexBox2020' 
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