'Another Kolkata food vlog and also visited Salt lake stadium in Kolkata. Started my day with Koshe Kosha restaurant Kolkata and ended with delicious Chinese food. You can watch this video till the end to know more about Kolkata food. Please follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/open2explore_/ Thank you!'
Tags: cheapest chinese food in kolkata , best chinese food in kolkata , best chinese street food in kolkata , china town kolkata , kolkata china town , kolkata chinese restaurant , kim ling kolkata china town kolkata west bengal , koshe kosha , koshe kosha review , koshe kosha kolkata , salt lake stadium kolkata , chinese school in kolkata , open2explore , open 2 explore , Bharat Kapoor , katla kalia fish , katla macher kalia bengali fish recipe , china town kolkata food , kim ling restaurant
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